project Cecilia BISCHERI project Cecilia BISCHERI


Generally, maps are considered visual records of specific historical moments in the city. However, they have often excluded and erased groups, identities, and social issues that are not aligned with the creators of these maps. With a particular focus on Brisbane City and influenced by the mapping works of author David Maalouf (1985) and architect Kevin O'Brien (2006), the Silences on Maps exhibition proposes to make and exhibit new mappings of the city using architectural and artistic mapping methods.

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COVID retrospect exhibition
project Cecilia BISCHERI project Cecilia BISCHERI

COVID retrospect exhibition

The COVID Retrospect: A Reconsidered Habitat Exhibition aims to encourage this change by inviting ten Australian architects to test constructed residential environments using their new pandemic lens and develop alternative conceptualisations to the home in a speculative design project.

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